Industrial Supremacy Newspaper Research

The Great Railroad Strike territory in NY, PA, WV and OH During class, we were asked to browse through the Library of Congress's newspaper archive to read primary sources from 1870-1890. First I searched, "The Great Railroad Strike." In The New York herald , I read about how intense the strike was by just reading the short blurbs down the right hand side of the paper. I was shocked by the severity of the situation compared to the readings in class, "A day and night of blood and horror at Pittsburg." and "The Great Railroad Strike becomes a savage war." They even included the casualties as if the headlines did not convey the strike clearly enough, "ninety-one lives lost and 149 persons wounded in various struggles." As I continue to read through the newspaper, moving away from the headlines into the content, I see immediately the editors comparing The Great Railroad Strike to the Civil War, "Not since the dark and threatening hours of...