History of the American Flag

The history of the American flag according to a PBS article on the History of the American Flag, begins with the Flag Resolution of 1777 which states that "the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." Though the flag has undergone several changes since its first creation around 1776, when Betsy Ross sewed the first one with the thirteen stars and stripes, it has not changed drastically. Several acts passed by Congress between 1777 and 1990 allowed for the flag to be modified to accommodate the addition of each new state. The current flag today still contains the same thirteen stripes alternating red and white which represent the thirteen colonies that declared independence from Britain, but now contains 50 stars each representing one of the 50 states still in the blue canton that represents the union. On the USA Flag S...