In an article titled, "What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years," John Elfreth Watkins predicted what the 21st century would be like. According to BBC News , 10 predictions that Watkins got right were digital color photography, the increase in the average height of Americans, mobile phones, pre-packaged foods, a decrease in population growth, greenhouses, television, the use of large automobiles, and express trains. Predictions such as the elimination of C, X, and Q in our everyday alphabet, the hope that people will walk 10 miles everyday, there will be no automobiles in the city, and the eradication of mosquitoes and flies were all ones that Watkins made for the 21st century but did not come true. An article on Open Culture wrote that Sir Francis Bacon predicted technological and social advancements in the future. Watkins compiled 28 predictions, most of which were absurd. For example, predictions like "peas the size of beets," "black, blur, and green roses...
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